Manifesting Your 2023 Vision
Begins NOW
This Thanksgiving - give thanks for your 2023 results
as if they have already happened.

I can't wait to pull back the curtain and
show you how I create one of
my most important success tools!

1-Set Goals Now
DREAM! Before all the holiday pressure begins. Connect to what it feels like to hit these goals.

2-Create a Roadmap
What will it really take? Translate your dreams into specific targets and milestones on your calendar.

3-Hit the Ground Running
You'll already have an action plan when everyone else is thinking "Hmmm...2023 goals?"
Creating the life you want starts with a detailed picture
In this 2-hour'll connect to your top 2023 goals and create a vision board to inspire you the whole year.
But this isn't your run-of-the-mill vision board.
We'll start by identifying your top goals and choosing inspiring images that help you connect to the emotion of what if feels like to have already achieved it.
For bigger goals that require more time, we'll identify the milestones you'll need to hit this year to stay on track.
Then, we'll arrange it in a great-looking format that fits into your planner.

What makes it genius...
is the TIMING. I used to wait until the week between Christmas and New Year's to decide my goals and it was mostly words on paper.
The first "a-ha" I had was to create the vision board and put it in my planner (that I use religiously).
My next light-bulb moment was to START with the vision board. I, like most people I coach, am a visual learner. I like images that inspire.
Then - I realized...why not do it sooner? The holidays always get so busy, and stressful. I thought "How cool would it be to do it in the fall when there's no pressure?" And I realized I could go ahead and get those outcomes crystal clear in my head and start thanking God and the universe for those things now - as if they have already happened. I mean, that IS how we as coaches are taught to talk about our gaols, right? [Manifestation 101]
This year's vision board has been my favorite one yet as it is super-specific and a road-map in and of itself.
I know..."Sounds nice, Stacie. I'll try and get to it."
Better yet - Make an appointment for yourself to DO it. With me. And a few of my clients. Join us for the 2-hour workshop and walk away with your super-inspired 2023 goal planning DONE. Easy Peasy.
Manifest Your 2023
Chart your course for success now and
hit the ground running when the ball drops on New Year's Eve.
Count Me In!