We're a Team of Leadership Geeks

Success isn't rocket science. You set a goal and you do the work; no big secret there...

However, if your success is connected to other people on your team...it can be really frustrating.

You're a leader with the big picture in mind, and you need everyone's absolute best.

Optimal results are a must for your business to pull ahead of the pack.

We'll help you get their A-Game so you can focus on the next big thing.

Lucky for you,

You're in the right place.


We're a Team of Leadership Geeks

Success isn't rocket science. You set a goal and you do the work; no big secret there...

However, if your success is connected to other people on your team...it can be really frustrating.

You're a leader with the big picture in mind, and you need everyone's absolute best.

Optimal results are a must for your business to pull ahead of the pack.

We'll help you get their A-Game so you can focus on the next big thing.

Lucky for you,

You're in the right place.


The truth is...

You're successful by most people's standards.


But does it really feel the way you thought it would once you "arrived?"

You love the rush of achievement

and a job well done.


But the personal costs are stacking up,

and you wonder if it's still worth it.


It's time to break the mold

and define success

YOUR way.


I'll be your secret weapon.

You'll find the gratification you've been seeking.



Stacie Vokaty

Mindset Mechanic & P2P Influence Artist

Stacie is an introverted adventurer.

She loves quiet time. She drinks coffee in her pajamas while reading every morning, but if you invite her to a National Park...she'll pack a bag and lace up her hiking boots in a flash. (Her favorite is Zion - check it out.)

Don't let the southern accent fool you. She may sound sweet (her three dogs think so) but she has a nose for bullshit and calls it like she sees it. It's kinda eerie how she can tell you about your posture just by listening to you on the phone.

She may have left a successful career in the shopping center industry to become a coach, but she still considers shopping to be "market research."

She's a former Tony Robbins Results Coach and Business Results Trainer, a certified DISC & Motivators Practitioner, a Certified Coach through the International Coach Academy, and a graduate of Robbins Madanes Training for Strategic Intervention. Hundreds of clients all over the world have sought her help and gotten more of what they want out of life.

Get inspired to #GoForIt in her book.

Chris Vokaty

Ultra-Executive Engager and Transformation Driver

Chris is a competitive ally.

He likes to get dirty. When he's not slinging i-mud with his (virtual reality) sprint car on a southern dirt track, he's splashing in mud puddles on an ultra (anything longer than a typical 26.2-mile marathon) running trail. He completed Maryland's JKF 50-mile race along the Appalachian Trail, ya'll!

Tell Chris he can't do something and he'll show you what dogged determination looks like. And so will his running dog, Buddy! (Like Chris, he just HAS to be at the front of the pack and will literally pull you there.)

Tell him YOU can't do something and he'll push you out of YOUR comfort zone, too. He sees capabilities and opportunities in people and organizations. The bigger the challenge, the better. His passion for winning is contagious on the track, on the trails, and in the C-suite. 

Chris is a seasoned HR and business executive and Peak Performance Author. He's a certified Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coach and Prosci Organizational Change Management practitioner. Holding certifications with TRACOM for Social Style and Versatility, Adaptive Mindset for Agility, Adaptive MIndset for Resilience and Behavioral EQ multi-rater assessments and workshops, clients world-wide engage with him to connect the dots between people, communication, and organizational success.

You can connect with Chris on LinkedIn, but be leery if he offers to take you for a run.

Bryan Braddock

Networking Maven & Dream Igniter

Bryan is one intense easy-going guy.

He enjoys (we use the term loosely) competing in Spartan races, rucks with his F3 men's group, and does a killer impression of Kung-Fu Panda - oh wait, that's his Jui Jitsu class.

It's down right endearing how he openly claims both his rough past and his bright future, giving thanks to God for both.

He likes to use a lot of superhero metaphors like "ability to fly" and "leap tall buildings" while referring to a phone booth. All kidding aside, he does have an uncanny ability to see the extraordinary in us all. One might wonder...How did he secure his super-hero status? With a wife of 25 years and five beautiful daughters, he's the only male in a house of seven! (He really does change in a phone booth.)

Bryan is a John Maxwell Certified Speaker and Coach who has done leadership development training with the local offices of Jiffy Lube, Pepsi of the Carolinas, Nationwide Insurance, and others. He puts his Degree in Economics and certificaes in Non Profit Executive Leadership and Fund Raising Management to work as the Executive Director of a local homeless ministry. He's also a newly elected City Councilman.

Hop inside Bryan's circle on LinkedIn or Facebook.


The 4 PERSONALITY TYPES & Exactly How to



You Should Hire Us Now If...


►  The thought of going on vacation and leaving key results to your team makes you realize Stephen King doesn't know the meaning of suspense.

►  Staff meetings feel more like an episode of Survivor than a drive for results.

►  The thought of another "carefully worded email" makes you want to take a 7-hour lunch.

►  You know you have massive potential, but you grind to a halt when you try to use it.

►  You'd rather appear on an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe than admit you missed another self-imposed deadline.


Have you ever wanted to #GoForIt, but self-doubt slowed you down or stopped you altogether?

If yes, this may be the most important book you ever read. Here's why:

Once you ignore all of the voices that say

"You can't do it"

(ESPECIALLY your own),

you will truly be free to step into the life you've always wanted.


See, success and achievement are just as much about subtracting BS as they are about adding action items.

This book outlines six common obstacles that you can immediately remove from your life... which will make it stupid simple for you to finally #GoForIt.


If you are an achiever who is contemplating a big leap of faith, this book is for you.

PLUS! Inside of the book, you will receive a FREE companion Coaching Workbook, which is like having Stacie coach right alongside you.

This book is the absolute perfect tool to give you the courage to #GoForIt!

Ready? #GoForIt!

Buy on Amazon