ENOUGH! Do the work!

Whatever it is you want...to get it you must make a daily practice of it.

Like a line from FOX's cheeky show Lucifer...What is it you desire?

  • Have an epic romantic relationship?
  • 10X your income?
  • Receive a promotion with the title and responsibility you always wanted?
  • Get in the best shape of your life?
  • Move into your dream home?
  • Have a wonderful relationship with your kids?
  • Be happy and fulfilled?

Whatever it is...we'll see just how bad you really want it. It will be obvious. HOW? Because I have a foolproof way to know what's truly important to you. It's a kid's game of "I Spy." It's what you actually do; not what you say you want to do.

Sometimes people scratch their head when asked "what do you value?" But to know...just look at how you spend your time. That reveals the reality of one's values, not one's reported values. How you spend your time speaks to what you value OPERATIONALLY. And THAT determines your results.

Dare to dream what you want - YES! Then point your compass to it by re-orienting your time. Give what you want the attention it deserves.

Getting what you want is a daily practice.

You don't get any of those things I listed above because you did this one thing this one time. Every day you have to make a commitment to it. Over and over again. 

You must have discipline!

Discipline to say yes to the things you want and no to distractions that prevent or delay.

Will other things come up? Of course! For example...might you have to divert your attention to caring for a sick loved one? You just might. But I suggest those are things you don't "have" to do; they are options you can CHOOSE to do. In which case, they are the new priority, the new thing you want. Even if they are temporary. 

Power and freedom are a result of being the person who says yes to their top priorities. You can absolutely curate the life you want. YES! To have it...you must do the work of it DAILY. The work must have a place in your SCHEDULE every day. 

Consider your goal - whether it be to improve your body, your wealth, or whatever. Look at it through the lens of a relationship.

Would you go out with someone one time and expect a marriage proposal? Would you have lunch with a new friend one time and expect to be BFFs forever without ever speaking again? No! That would be ludicrous.

It follows...

Would you buy a car, make one payment and expect to keep it forever? Would you eat one sprig of broccoli and expect excellent health? Do you expect to workout one time and be radically fit? Of course not! Can you build an incredible business because you worked on it one Saturday??? Can you build massive wealth because you read a book about it? No. 

It takes more than a half-hearted attempt to have the things you really want.In fact, it takes three things. You must:

  1. Make a decision and commitment to your goal, whatever it is. You have to commit to creating it and allowing it in.
  2. Ask yourself..."For that to happen, who do I need to be?" Determine the daily practice that would allow it to happen. You have to say yes to that daily commitment over and over again. Every. Single. Day.
  3. See it as already true. Actively envision it every single day. Obsess about it.

Even though you know it's obvious and true that you need to need give your dreams priority on your schedule if they are to come true...do you still feel resistance toward your goal? Then you haven't really decided. It's still something you'd LIKE to have, but not something you MUST have.

(COACHING HINT: you don't yet have enough leverage on yourself to make it happen.)

Once you DECIDE for real...the rest becomes easy. You'll instinctively know WHO you need to be and the vision will become more clear.

Here's one thing you must avoid if your dreams are to come true...

AVOID the victim trap that leads you to believe it's out of your control. It sounds like any one of the following or a combination of two or more:

  • But I don't have time.
  • But I need a rest.
  • But I want some ME time.
  • But I simply can't.
  • I just don't have the energy.
  • Others can do that but I can't.
  • I just don't have the bandwidth.

I challenge you to make a decision TODAY, RIGHT NOW in fact, about a daily practice you are committing to that will put you on a path toward success. Write it down and share it.

Write it to create a contract with yourself. Share it with someone for accountability. Share it with me. Share it with your significant other. Share it with a friend. Share it on social media. But do share it.


Today is the day to #GoForIt and #Live Deliberately.

Founder, Personal Evolution Co.
