When Will You See It?

That all the pieces are already there?

Are they? you may be asking.

You think "If I could just...

  • Learn this technique.
  • Understand that strategy.
  • Do what so-and-so is doing.
  • Get some experience doing X.
  • Do [this].
  • Figure out [that].

...I'd be able to get to the next level which would allow me to get to the NEXT level and the NEXT...and then MAYBE all that would add up to the life I really want...which is X."

My dear...when will you see that you can skip to X a lot quicker than you think?


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Removing Blockages on Your Fast Track to Success

When you're barreling down the tracks full steam ahead with no obstructions - you get to your destinations / outcomes. And pretty quickly.

But how often do we really have zero blockages to our success?

Life happens over and over again.

I try pretty hard to stay away from absolutes like always and never. RARELY is that the case. (Ha - did you catch that?)

Sometimes we cruise along and sometimes we can't seem to catch a break.

We have blockages of one sort or another from time to time on our...

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