Four Truths to Cut the Clutter in Goal Setting

I absolutely LOVE this time of the year. It's a clean slate and FULL of possibilities.

My idea of a fun New Year's Eve is to totally geek out on setting goals, creating a vision board, and setting high expectations for the coming year. #Truth

Yet, setting goals can sometimes bring with it pressure. Pressure for it to be the "right" goal. Pressure for it to be "big enough." Reasonable. Scary. Specific. Measurable. Multiple goals. Yes - Must have goals in every area of my life....

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Are you using the best 3 letter words to ask the best questions?

Which three-letter words am I talking about?

How? Why? and Who?

So often we ask "how" questions. It starts at a very young age. "How do I spell this word?" "How do I brush my teeth?" "How do I tie my shoe?"

"How" questions are strategy questions. And strategies are a dime a dozen. You can find the answer to any question, 24/7, without even leaving your couch thanks to the power of the internet. 

Success in business, and in life, is 80% mindset (psychology) and 20% strategy.

If you want...

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