The Message I Was Born to Deliver

I could hardly sleep last night!


I have some exciting news to share with you.


GO FOR IT: Screw Self Doubt and Do Your Thing is now available for pre-order 

Pre-Order Your Copy on Amazon


I’m just curious -


Have you ever wanted to #GoForIt, but self-doubt slowed you down or stopped you altogether?


If yes, this may be the most important book you ever read. Here’s why: 


Once you ignore all of the voices that say 


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You Think You Can't

You want to #GoForIt. 

You feel an urge, an inkling, that there is something more for you in one or more areas of your life. 

You think about it - maybe even daydream about it. Perhaps you even give yourself permission to consider what it would be like if you went for it and got it. And it feels so wonderful in that moent. It's as if it's already happened. 

Then - you get snapped back into reality of the day to day. Email. Ringing phone. Text message. Meeting coming up. Report...

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Sitting on the Fence is an Optical Illusion

I love that sweet spot people hit when they are sitting on the fence about a decision to #GoForIt or not.

Though that idea of sitting on the fence is an optical illusion.

How so? So glad you asked.

The fence isn't sitting on some imaginary line of yes or no, of this or that. No. The fence sits squarely on the side of right where you are now.

Not deciding - is deciding. It means you haven't gone for it - yet.

To procrastinate the decision is to decide to change nothing. At least for now.


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Sometimes, it would behoove you to be a bit impatient

It's so easy to get caught up in all of it.

You have this goal and you carefully plot out your plan for world domination. Or market domination. Heck - SELF domination some days.

So you do like you're taught and you formulate a strategy thinking if you do a, b, and c you'll get x, y and z.

Strategy is important. You need one - a good one. And the desire for excellence calls for us to find the best one, maybe even the perfect one.

Strategy can also be tricky.

What can sometimes happen is we get...

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