Most of us spend more time planning vacations than our lives.
Maybe you set some random goals but you're just going through the motions and none of it seems to tie together.
Maybe you love to plan but sometimes get lost in the details, get off track, get overwhelmed, or don't know how to break it all down.
You don't have to spend 40 bucks to be in the "overachievers" club just to get some clunky binder to write your goals in.
Usually it was something I didn’t know I wanted until after she gave it to me; stuff I wouldn’t have purchased on my own at the time. For example, a matching set of cereal bowls and coffee cups, a trivet for the kitchen counter, a wreath for the front door. She was thoughtful that way.
It’s as if she could see around corners.
I absolutely LOVE this time of the year. It's a clean slate and FULL of possibilities.
My idea of a fun New Year's Eve is to totally geek out on setting goals, creating a vision board, and setting high expectations for the coming year. #Truth
Yet, setting goals can sometimes bring with it pressure. Pressure for it to be the "right" goal. Pressure for it to be "big enough." Reasonable. Scary. Specific. Measurable. Multiple goals. Yes - Must have goals in every area of my life....
The Biggest Secret of Effective Communicators is...
They communicate with others in the style THEY prefer, not their own style.
Consider this Communication Profiler School. We'll be looking at four distinct behavioral styles so you can identify the style and adapt your own behavior to elevate your A game in the communication arena.
The Biggest Secret of Effective Communicators is that they communicate with others in the style THEY prefer, not their own style.
Consider this Communication Profiler School. We'll be looking at four distinct behavioral styles.
Then I'll teach you how bring some balance and flexibility into your behavioral style if YOU...
The Biggest Secret of Effective Communicators is that they communicate with others in the style THEY prefer, not their own style.
Consider this Communication Profiler School. We'll be looking at four distinct behavioral styles.
Then I'll teach you how smooth out your rough edges if YOU are an Iris and how to adapt to an Iris if she sounds like...
As we learned last week...
The Biggest Secret of Effective Communicators is that they communicate with others in the style THEY prefer, not their own style.
Consider this Communication Profiler School. We'll be looking at four distinct behavioral styles.
Then I'll teach you how smooth out your rough edges if YOU are a Darren and how to adapt to a Darren if he...
Whether it's a co-worker, friend, or family member you know he/she "just gets me." It's like they know what you're thinking.
We like people who are similar to us, who have a style similar to our own. This is especially true regarding our communication styles.
We gravitate toward people who think like us, like the same pace we do and have similar priorities. We seem to be "on the same page" with some people more...